Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Its Cool to Go to School!

Today was Lee's first day of pre-school. What a big boy! Whit sang around the house all morning things like "its cool to go to school!" and "lets go to school like a big boy, cause its cool to go school and be a big boy!" I was so excited - Lee just walked right in and started playing. I didn't take many pictures of him in the room because he wasn't crying and I didn't want to start that. Whit & I went to lunch and spied on him playing on the playground - it looked like he was having a lot of fun! But then we went to pick him up and he was exhausted and ready.to.go. Still, I think he is really going to like school once he gets used to it and will learn lots of new things from Ms. Brook & Ms. Lauren and get to play with fun friends. I might have to get used to it a little bit too : ) Love this boy.
(Walker got to ride to pre-school too!)


  1. Precious! I'm so glad he had a good day! I kept asking Rhodes who she played with and she'd say "Ummmmm....Wee!! Webb!!" They are going to be 3 amigos this year! :)

  2. Preschool --- ahhh!!!! love it! Glad to hear he had a great 1st day. How fun and exciting for him.

  3. I love that Whit sang those songs to him! So fun and exciting! Those pictures are awesome! Glad he liked it!!! Love, E

  4. Once again, the cutest boy ever!!

  5. ...oh, and I love that Whit made up songs for him! Too funny! We do that all the time!

  6. Love these pics :) Where did you get Lee's backpack? It is precious! Owen's is HUGE on him, haha!

  7. So cute! Hard to believe he's old enough for preschool.
