Lee is 18 months old today! A year and a half! I can't believe it! Here are 18 things about Lee:
*He is a dancing fool
*He loves balls and balloons
*He can say things like: duck, dog, balloon (boon), ball, daddy, mama, Bah (for Bebe), Pop, roar, choo choo, whale, fish, boat, book, bird, pool, whoa, bye bye and hey
*He is a Braves and Bulldawgs fan
*He is a happy thing but when he cries it is LOUD!
*He loves to be outside and at the pool and to play with friends
*He does Happy Feet all over the place
*He is getting into trucks, tractors and trains
*He grabs your hand to lead you to something new
*He has a thing for climbing - you name it, he'll climb it
*He still sucks his 2 middle fingers and I love it
*He is pretty attached to his froggie and blankie
*He loves his daddy
*And his mama too : )
*He gets so excited for some things that he about jumps out of your arms
*He will "sing" a song and then clap for himself
*He is the hugest blessing to Whit and me. We are so thankful for him and the past year and a half!
Margaret, my small group leader at Mom to Mom this past year, was so neat. One day she brought us all this book: Praying the Scriptures for Your Children. Such a sweet book! Each chapter is about a different thing like salvation, to love God's word, wisdom & discernment, kindness & compassion, etc. At the end of each chapter she gives you scripture ideas to go along with each topic to pray for your children. That day Margaret brought in all of these different hands - they were her 4 girls' hands that she had traced throughout the years. Each year she claimed a verse for them that she thought they really needed or might be struggling with. I thought it was such a great idea - I am excited to pray for Lee and I think it will be so great for him to see these throughout his life.
So, here is my first hand for Lee. I feel like this is something I have really prayed for him these past 18 months. Just thought I would share this idea with you because I was so encouraged by it and thought you may like to use it for your children too.