Saturday, January 12, 2013

Mac at 2 and 3 Months

Mac is 3 months old now.  I missed writing about his 2nd month so this is catch up time.  He is growing and is sweeter and sweeter each day.  He is so snuggly and smiles so much.  He started smiling when he was about 5 weeks old and it is the best.  He coos and laughs too.  Its like he can't help but smile.  Love it.  He is sleeping well and plays happily when he is awake.  I am so thankful for this little baby boy and couldn't imagine our family without him.
Happy 2 and 3 months old Mac!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happy Birthday Brant!

This sweet, tiny little thing turned 2 last Sunday.  I can't believe it.  In some ways I feel like it was just yesterday that he was this little but in others I feel like he is so much a part of our days and life that I couldn't imagine him not the way he is now.
I do not want to forget the Brant Brant Bubba Boy that is 2 years old.  He is so fun.  And so funny.  At times he can test you but what 2 year old doesn't?  He loves his daddy so much and is crazy about Lee & Mac.  He loves me too and that makes me happy.  He usually calls me Mommy but when he says Mama he knows he's got me.  
  For a long time if he called something "Mine" he would say "Me's" and we loved that.  His hair is like a koosh ball.  It is hard to be mad at him when he's running off knowing he is in trouble with his hair bouncing along.  He sings so sweetly when you put him to sleep.  He is naturally polite.  I don't remember trying to teach him please, thank you and excuse me but he says those things all the time.  If you ask him how old he is he says 6.  He was so excited to have Mickey Mouse for his little birthday party.
  He is loud!  He loves all things trucks.  Really anything with wheels.  It is hard to buy him a present because you want to think outside of trucks because they have so many but that is what makes him happy.  Pushing them right along.  He is thinning out but I love that his cheeks are still so squishy and kissable.  His eyes are so happy and pretty to me - they are mostly green but turn blue sometimes too.  He has the sweetest smile you've ever seen and can belly laugh so good.
  He freaks out over Happy, Deedee, Pop Pop & Beebee.  He loves them and lets them know.  He begs to go over the choo choo tracks so he can feel the bump bump.  He loves to snuggle his bunnies, puppy & blue blanket.  He wrestles Lee all over the place.  He can give it but can't quite take it.  He looks so much like Whit and has the same hands, feet and head.
This boy is loved.  Happy 2nd Birthday to Brant! 

Christmas Time Was Merry & Sweet!

Our Christmas time was full of lots of fun things like going to get our trees at Mud Creek Ranch, two bright Christmas trees shining in our front windows, Whit's birthday, sitting on Santa's lap, a Happy Birthday Jesus party, the last Smith family Christmas on Walnut Drive, making gingerbread men for Santa and Christmas day.  A few unfortunate things happened like I totalled Whit's Bronco in our driveway with my car and we were all sick right at Christmas so had to sit a few things out.  But all in all it was a great Christmas and so fun to watch the boys take it all in.
Fighting over who's tree was the silliest
The Smith & Hunter boys - Sam, Brant, Lee, Mac & James 

Brant was not a fun of Santa Claus. At all.
Still not a fan...